Kamis, 30 Oktober 2014


Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton was born on 31 December on 1643. He  was born in telatively poor farming family. HIs mother lter remarried because his father died 3 monthsbefore he was born. In the school, he always becoming the top student,but his mother complining about his studies. She want little Newton could work as a farmer. Because of the complicting his hedmaster,he was able to continue his studies. Later, he passed the final exam with very good score and he continued his studies to Trinity College, Cambridge
At,Cambridge he had a lot interested about mathematics, science, and physic. He always want to solved mysteryabout mathematic,science and specially physics. He always has been referred to as one of the greatest jenius of hitory.
Why I choose him as the motivator person of my life?
He always has been a lot of interest about this world and he always never give up on the problem, until he find the way how to solve problem. I always wondering about the law that he made in that time. In that time so have many shortage, he can make the law that surprise the world in that time and absolutely me. Although i don't always have the high score of Physic and Math. But I always want to be him. I always wish. But  that i can switch our soul. Unfortunately, I can't. So I just satisfied about this condition. The value of his story, I take is always try the harder our ability to solve my problem and never give up on the things taht i like and want to give my best.

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